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If you happen to be in the DC area, I do hope you can make it to the opening of my solo show at WHINO Inc.

I have been busy these past few months creating a new body of work, especially for this space. Its my first solo show on the East Coast in over a decade, and I am beyond excited to share it with the world.

‘Dreaming in Color’ is an exploration of color & our senses. I wanted to examine how color makes us feel on a multi-sensory and subconscious level; not only how different colors affect mood, memory or instinct, but also how a color might taste, feel or sound. As in many of my works this series also focuses on femininity, with women at the center of each piece, often surrounded by microcosms filled with natural elements that help define those senses - tiny worlds: dreams within dreams.

In this particular body of work I thought carefully about the space these pieces would be installed within. I created pieces that intentionally float on the canvases, much like the walls they’ll be mounted on, that float within the space. I wanted them to convey a feeling of weightlessness, adding to the dream-like quality of each piece, and allowing the viewer to tap into the multi-sensory qualities of them. My hope is that through this work, you’ll be fully able to dream in color.


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